Thursday, November 20, 2008

Exactly how I feel....

Before you click on the below link I would like to state that I am not a Michael Moore follower. I really liked "Bowling for Columbine" and of course "Roger and Me".... but I haven't seen or didn't like his other movies (I just want to get that out of the way). "Roger and me" was his first documentary before he was part of the "political spotlight"... I highly suggest watching it sometime, especially now with General Motors and Ford on the brink of bankruptcy...

Anyway, he was on Larry King last night and CNN had the transcript this morning. I enjoyed what he had to say because he feels exactly like I do about the issue. Do I want to bail out GM for their bad management over the last 20 years? No..... but the cost of losing GM would cost possibly 1 million people their jobs. If the auto industry ends up getting the money then it should come with some big restrictions.... build more fuel efficient cars, bring jobs back to America, fire the CEO's who got them in this mess, higher some decent designers, and make sure the employees receive some of the benefit of the bailout. It's a tough issue... and I go back and forth everyday. If anyone even reads this blog... let me know how you feel.. I'm on the fence on the issue! I need opinions!

Here's a look back at possibly why Ford and GM are doing so badly... here's just a small sample of the cars they've been producing over the past 20 years:

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